Some of the services available at ACP Include:

Individual, Family and Group Therapy

Our therapists are trained in a wide variety of evidenced-based therapeutic techniques to help clients alleviate symptoms of emotional,psychological and substance abuse conditions.

Substance Abuse Treatment

ACP’s Substance Abuse services are strength-based, and anchored in Motivational Interviewing.  All treatment is trauma informed and holistic in design.  What this means is that ACP provides access to treatment and services that support the client to get to a point of sobriety where they can be adequately assessed to identify concerns and needs and guided to develop a life-long commitment to recovery and a plan to meet the identified needs across all life domains.  

Psychological Diagnostic Services

ACP has on staff a Licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in psychological evaluations in both children and adults. Having an accurate diagnosis is vital in developing an appropriate treatment plan.  Comprehensive psychological evaluations are available to explore a variety of concerns, including, but not limited to, ADHD, Learning Disorders, Emotional Disorders, and Personality Disorders. Payment plans are available if needed. 

Home Based Case Work, Homemaker and Therapy Services

Our therapists are trained in a wide variety of evidenced-based therapeutic techniques to help clients alleviate symptoms of emotional,psychological and substance abuse conditions.

Art Therapy

Ms. Milholland uses art therapy to evaluate, educate and heal. Using a developmental framework, Ms. Milholland evaluates drawings to measure emotional intelligence. She also detects indicators that suggest other sources of distress. After evaluation a variety of art materials are used to nuture, process and heal. Art therapy is often done with children, but can be used with any age.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Rehabilitation)
and Trauma Based Services

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.  This is a comprehensive psychotherapy approach backed by research as an effective form of therapy for trauma.  Complete treatment involves addressing 1. Past Memories 2. Present Disturbances and 3. Future Actions needed to alleviate the symptoms.  Past memories may be abuse, neglect , loss, accidents, and also humiliation and disappointments in childhood.  Processing" in EMDR is NOT talking about the trauma.  "Processing" means setting up a learning state that allows experiences that are causing problems to be "digested/Desensitized"  and stored appropriately in your brain.  Therefore, you will be able to guide you in positive ways in the future.  The negative emotions beliefs and body sensations will be discarded.  The goal (Reprocessing/learning) is to leave you with the emotion and understanding and perspective that will lead to healthy and useful behaviors.
    Useful Information:  The client only needs to say what one wants to say.  There is no need to tell the therapist all the details of the trauma.  The client is in control in session.  You are instructed to give STOP gesture at any time you want.  Relaxation Techniques are taught prior to the processing.  One goal of EMDR is to make sure that the client can take care of self.

DCS Contracted Services:

- Homemaker
- Case Managment
- Home Base Therapy
- Substance Abuse Counseling
- Diagnostics
- Comprehensive Home Based Services